I’m currently in Evanston, Illinois with my new @mb_evanston family. While I was on the bus today I felt myself become extremely drained and my mind began to wander into a really negative space. Instead of staying there i sought refuge and affirmation in song and word form. I began to listen to @drtonyevans about what taking worship seriously & it quickly whipped me into shape. ————I’m reminded to continually GIVE my ALL in every situation. Especially when I know it’s God’s work. Soon after, I received my first kickstarter pledge for #Sheusedtobe & I was quickly brought back to the reality that seeking the kingdom FIRST places you in a spot where all things will be added. —-——Soon after, I received three more pledges. 😊It’s about the process y’all. All of it is becoming. And being. And ending. and beginning again. #becoming