

#Being is like The extra fry in the bottom of the Chick-fil-A bag. β€œsurprise!”
It is the excitement & rush of a candy overdose. β€”

Spirit – wasted. πŸ™ŒπŸΎ β€”
It is the sound of prisoners running free, finally. The feel of caloused hands and feet. The state of weariness over powered by Joy. β€”
The Spirit is moving about. 🌬 β€”

It is the ringing of freedom bells. The stomping of indignation against narratives that did not include me. 
The rubbing tension of expression and silence. β€”
Being, be like euphoria. And it be will to keep going. Pumping. The priming. The bending and breaking. The ground summoning you to fall and hands like magnets to hair lines. The Spirit creeps in and you can fight it, Barely. This sky will call you, summoning you to commune & 
remove the weight. But it would love to dance with you. So, it is moving and finding life in spaces with the least of these. Building them up, from the inside out. 
Saying, I am home. 🏑