You're Already Doing the Work | Faith Over Fear.

You’re Already Doing the Work.

I’ve had to tell myself this over and over. 

… had to remind myself that I don’t need to justify my decision to pursue more support, funding, and creative ideas. 

Do you know how many times I have an idea and then I drop it because I am not the most confident, organized, or disciplined to see it through? That could also be the issue.

I hadn’t tried to see it yet. 

I hadn’t written it down yet. 

I hadn’t began with the end in mind. 

In the majority of my reading and listening lately I have been learning that the most successful people make quick and sure decisions (Think & Grow Rich reference, I believe), but reevaluate slowly.

It’s not rushing when you can look back and see years of work.

Successful work.

I can reflect and clearly see myself creating more spaces for Joy and Wellness by auditing my IG, Facebook and YouTube. I don’t have to ask anymore questions or live in a space of doubt.

Faith and fear cannot coexist. 

Isn’t it funny that I of all people would be writing this to you? 

I’m sure I generally come across as having a lot of my stuff together.
I know. 

It’s easy to curate a lifestyle that looks bold on social media, but struggle with insecurities quietly. 

The Affirmation

I’ve decided that every day is my day and every moment is made for me. 

I’ve decided to affirm my gifts and applaud the work I’ve achieved thus far. 

I’ve decided to ask for what I want and see it to full fruition. 

I’ve decided to try my best to receive the life I deserve.

With arms open and great expectation. 

I’ve decided to FIND JOY. 

I’ve decided to create. 

I’ve decided to CHOOSE JOY. 

I’ve decided that I am enough. 

I’ve decided…

What’s your end look like? What do you envision for you in the next year, month, week, or hour? 

The Call To Action

I’ve decided to launch an 11 day campaign and am looking for two major things:

  1. Partners to join the team to promote, share the link, and tell your friends & family. Think of it as if you were joining a dance marathon or “walk for a cause” team where they ask you to share your link out. The person with the most support associated with them will receive a gift from me along with a free pop up session of your choosing.

  2. Partners to Donate.

Or of course, a mixture of both joining the team and being a donor.

  • Use This:

    Text “Move With Me” to (202) 858-1233 to receive the link. Or visit for more information.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. 

I am envisioning 20 team members with $555 associated with them to help me make this a reality. 

Are you down? 

Sanovia GarrettComment