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Arts Administrators of Color Network: Annual Convening

Purchase Tix to the conference here.

Hundreds of artists and arts administrators of color will descend upon Washington, D.C. for a weekend of learning, networking, site visits, parties, and community care!

Special Notes: 

  • Light breakfast and lunch will be provided on both days.

  • Complete one registration order form per attendee. (The form asks questions specific to the individual attending.)

  • Site Visit slots will be distributed via pre-Event survey in September/October.


  • Early Bird
    $75 (2 day) / $40 (1-day ticket)

  • Advance Registration (September 9th - November 1st)
    $80 (2 day) / $45 (1-day)

  • On-Site Registration (November 2nd until November 10th)
    $100 (2-day) / $60 (1-day)


Earlier Event: November 1
All Night Prayer/Worship
Later Event: November 9
Turn Up to Bail Out!