This is a Benefit Concert for Delores and Jamesha White to raise $20k covering legal fees, health and comfort for Delores who is facing first degree murder for defending her daughter Jamesha during a domestic violence incident.
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Here is the full story:
Delores White is a 68 year old woman facing first degree murder for defending her daughter Jamesha during a domestic violence incident. Delores or "Aunt Lois" as everyone calls her, has been held since April 15, 2020 with no chance for bail. In Pennsylvania anyone charged with first degree murder is not eligible for bail. Since being held, Delores’ health has deteriorated and remains at high risk during the pandemic. She suffers from COPD, which requires daily use of a respiratory pump, but has only been provided an inhaler. She also has congestive heart failure, and severe arthritis that requires monthly shots for normal movement; she no longer receives shots and is given only Tylenol as a remedy. Delores’ diabetes requires a pill regimen, but she has received inconsistent insulin treatment, resulting in catastrophic ramifications. She often requires medical attention rushed to her cell, due to constant fluctuations of her blood sugar. The consequences of this medical neglect could result in a stroke, coma, or death. The “justice” system has deemed Delores guilty before she has faced trial for defending her daughter in a clear case of domestic violence.
On two separate occasions Delores witnessed her daughter Jamesha being a victim of domestic violence. On each occasion the police were called but as oftens happens, the police did not take this complaint seriously. Domestic violence is still frequently dismissed in the criminal justice system and in this situation it has caused a loss of life. Watching your daughter repeatedly come under attack is traumatic and creates two victims, because Delores has been forced to watch and hear about other incidents of abuse while the criminal justice system did not respond adequately. The third time Delores was present for the abuse, she used a knife to defend her daughter. The end result was a loss of life. Now the same system that failed her in the past is ignoring their failures and punishing Delores for defending her home and her daughter.
Delores is the powerful matriarch of a beautiful family. Due to her health concerns, she has been retired from her career for over 20 years but serves as Trustee and Administrator of the House of Prayer Missionary Baptist church. Known as Sister Delores, she has consistently served her spiritual community for 13 years.
Erie County District Attorney Jack Daneri is attempting to use his office to hurt Delores and her family, who were the victims, not the perpetrators, of violence. This prosecutorial overreach has ignored the past trauma of these victims of domestic violence and pushed forward with the goal of winning a court case, rather than making a family whole and finding justice. Her health concerns make Delores the perfect candidate to be released in a global pandemic seeing as though she has never been convicted of any crimes. This is also a classic case of self defense on the part of a victim of domestic violence. We demand that Erie County District Attorney Jack Daneri drops all charges against Delores White and return her home to the safety of her family and friends.
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