Join the Party:
What does FREEDOM feel like to you? For me it has been a constant and ever-evolving process of learning, re-learning, un-learning, feeling, un-feeling, trying & idling and trying again. As a creative I have often been caught in the prison I've created for myself. I've told myself whether consciously or subconsciously what I can and cannot do. I've longed to dance in the middle of the street with no music. I've longed to scream when I felt it necessary and it not be frowned upon or looked at as socially ill.
I believe that we all have our own dance or screaming & I'm pretty sure one of my lifes's purposes is to live out the most authentic reality humanly possible and make sure you do the same.
Saturdays: Expression Party!
The weekly playlist (30 mins of music) will be sent out on Thursday afternoons via Spotify. If you do not have Spotify (I suggest it because it's that great) you can pull up the songs on Youtube or any other streaming service you may subscribe to.
During the Sessions, we will be sure to mute our phones/devices and dance together to the playlist. If it's not loud enough on your end and you want to play it in your own speakers you can feel free to mute me and express yourself in that manner. It will be trial and error, but we will find the best way to be together.